Liberation Artist: One who works to live beyond fear & hesitation, breaking with the status quo to create Life as Art while discovering the Art of Living.

My greatest passion is Story. Our collective story, the one we’re writing together in the Book of Humanity, each of us inking our own chapter with the moments of our lives.

My passion is best manifest when I’m helping others connect with the art that is their life – fire sparks electric through my soul when supporting others as they harness the power to shape the most Epic Chapter they can in this adventure story we call Life.

I also invoke this power working at the bookends of life as birth, death, and mourning doula, and I train others to do the same at

I hope you find something of value in my offerings, and especially, that they help you free your mind, your heart, your art. 🙂

Create an amazing day for yourself, wonderful you!

Were but I could Claim of the world But one minute. One single minute From a Lifetime Within which All minds Could fall silent And
Today’s Thought: It’s easy to lose our Self to the demands of our culture, to conform to fit in, to make ourselves smaller, because we
I’ve done it. Leapt down the rabbit hole into my Black & White Period Experiment. As promised, for those interested in the details
Welcome to my “Whiteboard Wednesdays” feature, where I will be sharing whiteboard presentations exploring inspirations, values,
Today’s Thought: That to which we attach our focus can hold us hostage. The stories we spin about who we are and our place in
Today’s Thought: You can change everything in your life right now. You own your life, so you own the power to change everything in it.
Welcome to my “Whiteboard Wednesdays” feature, where I will be sharing whiteboard presentations exploring inspirations, values
Today’s Thought: Liberation Artists tend to be an experimental lot, testing approaches to life the same way an artist may explore different
Today’s Thought: Quitting is a legitimate path to Greatness. This flies in the face of conventional thinking, which demands we ‘never quit