Liberation Artist: One who works to live beyond fear & hesitation, breaking with the status quo to create Life as Art while discovering the Art of Living.

My greatest passion is Story. Our collective story, the one we’re writing together in the Book of Humanity, each of us inking our own chapter with the moments of our lives.

My passion is best manifest when I’m helping others connect with the art that is their life – fire sparks electric through my soul when supporting others as they harness the power to shape the most Epic Chapter they can in this adventure story we call Life.

I also invoke this power working at the bookends of life as birth, death, and mourning doula, and I train others to do the same at

I hope you find something of value in my offerings, and especially, that they help you free your mind, your heart, your art. :)

Create an amazing day for yourself, wonderful you!

Think On This Thursday: Suli Breaks

“Think On This” Thursdays

Typically content on The Liberation Artist is original, created by me, Laura Saba, with the exception of the Interviews on Feature Fridays, which involves my own work and the answers of our featured Liberation Artist.  I would, however, like to introduce you to “Think On This” Thursdays.   Here I will feature content from around the web that is exactly the kind of thought-provoking content Liberation Artists seek.   You may find videos, articles, essays or art in this feature.  Whatever it is, I will do my best to ensure it is thought provoking.  

This week I would like to introduce you to the wonderful work of spoken word poet, Suli Breaks.  Check out his tumblr page too, here. This is pretty moving – be prepared.


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